Today we are taking a look at The Goblin Queen from the X-Men '97 Marvel Legends line. If you are asking yourself who is the Goblin Queen, I'd suggest you watch episode 3 of the X-Men '97 show on Disney Plus right away because there might be spoilers for you in the review. If this is your first time checking out a review and you aren't sure what the Marvel Legends are, well here you go, The Marvel Legends Series is a lower-tier toy line that collectors and non-collectors alike would be interested in. This is an action figure line based on the characters of Marvel Comics, initially produced by ToyBiz, and then by Hasbro. This line is in the 6-inch (150 mm) scale, with spin-off lines in the 4-inch (100 mm), 8-inch (200 mm), and 12-inch (300 mm) scale. These figures tend to look good inside and outside the box.
Before we open this up, let's check out the packaging.
The Goblin Queen comes on the X-Men '97 blister card. The X-Men logo is at the top left with pictures of some of the X-Men on the right. Moving down a little bit we have some artwork of the Golbin Queen next to the blister bubble that has the figure and all her accessories inside. Below that we have her name running along the bottom. Turning the card around we can get a look at the figure from the side, this is great for any collector who wishes to keep the figure mint on the card. The back of the card gives us a CG render of the figure as well as a cross cell of all the other figures in the wave. Turning the card around one more time we get another look at the figure from the side.
Let's open the box and take a closer look at the figure.
Taking the Goblin Queen out of the box we can see she looks almost how she did in the show, the only wrong thing is the top of the legs. In the show, that area was skin, looks like Hasbro added a grey color to make it look like she is wearing stockings under the boots.
Let's see what kind of accessories the figure comes with.
The Goblin Queen has magic powers that wrap around her hands, two fists, and a baby Nathan.
How can we pose the figure? Let's find out!
DUMBBELL JOINTED NECK - allows you to turn the head 360 degrees.
BALL-HINGED SHOULDERS -Â These give the arm 360-degree rotation and also the ability to raise and lower the arm.
UPPER BICEP SWIVEL -Â This cut lets you turn the whole arm below the cut 360 degrees.
DOUBLE-JOINTED ELBOWS - This allows you to bend the arm over 90 degrees.
SWIVEL HINGE WRISTS -Â This joint allows you to turn the wrists in a full 360-degree circle while also bending them up and down.
DIAPHRAGM SWIVEL - This cut lets you turn the figure around 360 degrees at the diaphragm.
BALL JOINTED LEGS - With this it allows the legs to move out to the side along with some front and back motion.
UPPER THIGH SWIVEL - The leg can rotate around a full 360 degrees.
DOUBLE-JOINTED KNEES - The joint allows you to bend the leg itself back to the butt of the figure.
HINGED ANKLES WITH ROCKERS -Â The ankle hinge allows you to bend the foot front and back. The rockers will enable you to rock the ankles towards the outside and inside of the legs of the figure.
How does the size of this figure compare to others?
The Goblin Queen stands right around the 6.5-inch mark. Here is the Goblin Queen standing next to her husband Cyclops and the woman she was cloned from Jean Grey.
What are Baby Huey's scores for the figure?
PAINT JOB 4/5 - The paint would have been perfect if she had the flesh tone about the boots
FIGURE SCULPT 5/5 - The figure looks like she came right off my TV
POSING 4.5/5 - You can get her into just about any pose you want to
ACCESSORIES: 3/5 - I wish she would have come with more than the same tired old magic effects we have seen 100 times.
DURABILITY 5/5 - The plastic is strong and she can stand on her own with no help.
OVERALL SCORE 4.3/5 - The Golbin Queen is a figure that fans of the X-Men and Marvel have been wanting for a while now, if you see her go get her.
