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Toying Around Reviews - Funko Pop! 8-Bit Shredder

Today we will be taking a look at Shredder from Funko Pops’ new 8-Bit line. If you are not sure what a Funko Pop! is, check out our Pop! an episode of Toying Around. Funko Pop! are stylized little figures based on TV Shows, Movies, comics, you name it! Marvel ones are a little more special as they are all bobbleheads.


Packaging: Before we open this, let's take a look at the packaging.

Looking at the front of the box you can see on the top you have the Pop! 8-bit logo on the left with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles logo in the middle and the number #8 as this is the 8th figure in this 8-Bit line. There is a nice big window that clearly displays Shredder for one who wishes to display him in the box. The bottom left of the window is a 2017 fall Convention sticker as this is a Convention exclusive. On the bottom, there is a picture of Shredder with his name running along the bottom of the box. Turning the box to the left you can again see the Pop! logo, The same picture from the front only now a full-sized picture. His name and figure number are below him. The back of the box also gives you a look at some of the other Ninja Turtles Pop! figures that you can collect. If you are one who wants to keep the Pop! in the box, you turn the box around one more time you get a nice wraparound of the window to show off the Shredder. This is a nice feature for people who like to keep Pop figures in the box.


Outside of the Box: Let's open the box and take a closer look at Shredder.

Taking Shredder outside the box you can see Funko really made this figure look like he came right out of an old-school 8-Bit video game.


Articulation: NONE!


Size Comparison: How does the size of this figure compare to others?

Shredder stands right around 4 inches tall. Here is Shredder standing next to Mikey from the Nick Turtles TV show by Playmates.


Overall: If you are a fan of the Ninja Turtles and also grew up playing the old Turtles games on Nintendo then this is a hands-down must-get. The rest of the 8-Bit Turtles will be hitting stores very soon, so keep an eye out for them.

Retail Cost: $14.99


Time for some Toying Around!

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