Today we will be taking a look at Robert Pattinson’s Batman. This is how Batman will look in the upcoming Year 2-inspired THE BATMAN movie by director Matt Reeves. McFarlane Toys, a subsidiary of Todd McFarlane Productions, is a company founded by comics creator Todd McFarlane which makes highly detailed model figurines of characters from movies, comics, popular music, video games, and various sporting genres.
PACKAGING: Before we open this up, let's take a look at the packaging.
On the front of the box, we have a nice big window that lets us see the figure and everything he comes with. The top of the box lets us know that the figure has 22 points of articulation. The bottom of the box has the DC Multiverse logo as well as The Batman movie logo, as this is from the upcoming movie. Turning the box to the side we have the Batman movie logo again as well as the name of the figure running down the side. The back of the box gives us the figure in an action pose, this is the same picture that will be on the trading card inside the box. Turning the box around one more time we get a small window that lets us see the figure.
OUTSIDE OF THE BOX: Let's open the box and take a closer look at the figure.
Taking this new Batman out of the box we can get a nice up-close look at this new suit that will be in the upcoming movie. While we still don’t know everything this suit has up its sleeve we can appreciate all the details that McFarlane Toys put into this figure…..aside from the sideways eyes, everyone hopes this stops soon, very soon!
ACCESSORIES: Let's see what kind of accessories the figure comes with.
The Batman comes with his Bat-Grapple a trading card and a stand
ARTICULATION: How can we pose the figure? Let's find out!
BALL-JOINTED NECK - allows you to turn the head 360 degrees.
BUTTERFLY HING - This allows you to move the shoulder area front and back to get a better range of motion.
BALL-HINGED SHOULDERS - These give the arm 360-degree rotation and also the ability to raise and lower the arm.
UPPER BICEP SWIVEL - This cut lets you turn the whole arm below the cut 360 degrees.
DOUBLE-JOINTED ELBOWS - This allows you to bend the arm over 90 degrees.
SWIVEL BALL HINGE WRISTS - With this, you can turn his wrists in a full 360-degree circle while also bending them up and down.
DIAPHRAGM SWIVEL - This lets you turn the figure around 360 degrees at the diaphragm.
BALL JOINTED WAIST - This lets you be able to turn the figure around 360 degrees at the waist.
BALL JOINTED LEGS - With this it allows the legs to move out to the side along with some front and back motion.
DOUBLE-JOINTED KNEES - The joint allows you to bend the leg itself back to the butt of the figure.
BALL JOINTED ANKLES - The ankle hinge allows you to bend the foot front and back and also to the left and right.
SIZE COMPARISON: How does the size of this figure compare to others?
Batman Stands right at the 7-inch mark. Here is Batman standing with Batman from the 3 Jokers wave, Review on him coming soon!
What are Baby Huey's scores for the figure?
PAINT JOB 4.5/5 - The paint job on him is well done, he only loses a little bit due to the side-eye.
FIGURE SCULPT 5/5 - This sculpt looks amazing, now while we haven’t seen the movie yet, from what we have seen it does look like McFarlane Toys has nailed it.
POSING 3.5/5 - You can get him into some very nice poses, however, the neck is limited and you can not get the figure to look up as he does in the trading card image. The Ball joints on his ankles are also very loose and sometimes can be a pain to get him to stand without the stand.
ACCESSORIES: 2/5 - To get a gripping hand for the right arm you need to buy the bat-bike. We don’t even get a Bat-a-rang.
DURABILITY 5/5 - The plastic does seem to be strong.
OVERALL SCORE 4/5 - a few small changes and this really could be an amazing movie figure.
