Today we will be taking a look at one of the few Captain America: Civil War figures will be receiving for the 3.75-inch line, Captain America with Motorcycle. As Hasbro did with the Ant-Man movie (Ant-Man with Flying Ant), they are giving us a deluxe-type figure. This time around we get Captain America in his Civil War costume and also his motorcycle. Let’s take a look...
PACKAGING: The figure comes packed in a nice size box, it has the Legends Series logo at the top, Captain America and motorcycle displayed in the middle and the Civil War logo at the bottom. The back of the box has a nice picture of Captain America on the motorcycle and a quick bio on the right. At the bottom of the box, you will find pictures of the single-carded figures that have already come out so far. On the sides of the box, you will find a nice picture of Captain America riding coming towards you while riding the motorcycle.
ACCESSORIES: Captain America comes with his Shield and the motorcycle

HEIGHT: Captain America stands just about 4.5 inches tall.


SIZE COMPARISON: Captain America with some of his MCU Avengers. It's a CAPTAIN AMERICA PARTY!!!!!!!
I have to say I really do like this a lot, not only do we get a Civil War Captain America to add to our collection but we also get the motorcycle, we haven't had a good vehicle for a figure since the 1st Avengers movie. While this line overall is lacking in some articulation, I've gotten a custom to this now. It is also worth noting that this Civil War Cap and Falcon Cap that we just looked over not that long ago do share the same body, with just some changes to the torso of each figure, and unlike with Falcon Cap, you can attach the shield to the back of Captain America's back, as you can see below in my toying around the picture.
The retail cost is $19.99 I give Captain America a 10/10
TIME FOR SOME TOYING AROUND!!!! Tried to re-make the opening shot from Age of Ultron.
