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Writer's pictureMendte

Guardians of the Galaxy Review, Writers Strike, and President Lee

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

That comic podcast issue 12 cover image featuring Jim Lee, and the guardians of the Galaxy

Podcast Companion Post

Welcome back to the show That! Comic Crew! It's time once again to get into the comic book happenings from around the Comicshere and funnel it into your ear holes. Join the troublesome trio of Mendte, Mashko, and Features because Huey missed the start time and Maurer is a secret agent apparently. The three mylar musketeers talk about a grab bag of news from Fantastic Four casting, Captain America 4 getting renamed, to DC's new release strategy - all the way to Krypto, Beetlejuice, and Star Wars going Bond. After the news, the guys break down what's going on with the writer's strike and how it affects the comics community, how excited we are about Jim Lee's promotion, and of course reviewing the final installment of James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy. Did we like it? How was Space Jesus? Was it the final we hoped for? Find out when you hit play. We try to keep it spoiler free, but let us know if you want spoilers like Cosmo wants to be a good dog. Thats That!


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