Happy Holidays everyone and welcome to the final review of 2020, and I find it only fitting that we started 2020 with Superman looking his best and we end it with Superman who has been through some stuff, just like all of us have been. So now sit back and enjoy the DC Multiverse Infected Superman by McFarlane Toys. This is how Superman looked in Batman/Superman #2 & #3, while he and Batman were trying to trick the Batman Who Laughs.
PACKAGING: Before we open this up, let's take a look at the packaging.
On the front of the box, we have a nice big window that lets us see the figure and everything he comes with, including the legs for the Merciless collect-to-build-figure. The top of the box lets us know that the figure has 22 points of articulation. The bottom of the box has the DC Multiverse logo and Superman’s name. Turning the box to the side we have the name of the figure, and where the inspiration for the figure came from. The back of the box shows us how to put all the pieces together to build Merciless. We also have some artwork from Batman/Superman #2. At the bottom, we have some artwork from the rest of the figures in this wave. Turning the box around one more time we get a small window that lets us see the figure.
OUTSIDE OF THE BOX: Let's open the box and take a closer look at the figure.
Taking Superman out of the box we get to see the bright reds and blues that McFarlane used on Superman. The blue has a little more of a matte finish to it, rather than the gloss that a lot of other toy companies put on them.
ACCESSORIES: Let's see what kind of accessories the figure comes with.
Superman comes with, left and right closed fists, left and right open hands, and left and right legs for the Merciless build-a-figure, a collectors card, and a figure stand.
ARTICULATION: How can we pose the figure? Let's find out!
BALL JOINTED NECK - allows you to turn the head 360 degrees.
BUTTERFLY HING - This allows you to move the shoulder area front and back to get a better range of motion.
BALL-HINGED SHOULDERS - Gives the arm 360-degree rotation and also the ability to raise and lower the arm.
UPPER BICEP SWIVEL -This cut lets you turn the whole arm below the cut 360 degrees.
DOUBLE JOINTED ELBOWS - This allows you to bend the arm over 90 degrees.
SWIVEL BALL HINGE WRISTS - With this, you can turn his wrists in a full 360-degree circle while also bending them up and down.
DIAPHRAGM SWIVEL - This lets you be able to turn the figure around 360 degrees at the diaphragm.
BALL JOINTED WAIST - This lets you turn the figure around 360 degrees at the waist.
BALL JOINTED LEGS - With this it allows the legs to move out to the side along with some
front and back motion.
DOUBLE JOINTED KNEES - The joint allows you to bend the leg itself back to the butt of the figure.
BALL JOINTED ANKLES - The ankle hinge allows you to bend the foot front and back and to the left and right.
SIZE COMPARISON: How does the size of this figure compare to others?
Superman stands right at 7 inches. Here is our new Superman standing with Action Comics #1000 Superman.
What are Baby Huey's scores for the figure?
PAINT JOB 4/5 - The paint job, like just about every McFarlane figure, is done really well. The only thing that is missing is some paint on the ball joints in the wrist. without it, it just looks off.
FIGURE SCULPT 4/5 - The sculpt looks really good. The added double-jointed elbows help so much
POSING 3/5 - While the double-jointed elbows help the figure, you still can't get him into a flight pose due to the lack of a neck hinge. The ball joints on the legs still hurt him with standing sometimes.
ACCESSORIES: 3/5 - Superman without a flight stand? We got open hands this time but still no open-palm hands for flying.
DURABILITY 4/5 - The plastic on the new superman feels so much softer than the 1st one but softer in a good way. The joints move so much better and I don’t feel like when I move him I’m going to snap him
OVERALL SCORE 3.6/5 - This superman overall is so much better than the one we got at the start of the year. Now the promo pics for Superman Red Sun show the ball joints in the wrists are painted, please do this moving forward. RETAIL COST: $24.99 I picked mine up from Mashko Collectables