Last week we took a look at Darkseid, today we will take a look at the other figure that comes in this two-pack, Grail, the daughter of Darkseid.
Packaging: Before we open this up, let's take a look at the packaging.
Looking at the front the figure comes packed in the standard DC Icons box. We see a large window that showcases both the figures as well as all of the accessories. This gives great visibility for collectors that may not be opening it. It shows the DC Icons logo with Darkseid's Omega logo inside the O. The name of the figure is printed on the right side of the display window. The left of the box lets you know that this is the line 22nd figure. Below we get another look at the Omega logo as well as the DC Icons logo. It also lets us know that this figure is based on Darkseid's look from "The Darkseid War". Flipping the packaging around to look at the back gives you a peek at Darkseid and Grail out of the package alongside another figure you can pick up Batgirl and her bike. on the bottom of the package, it lets us know that the figures were designed by Ivan Reis and Darkseid was sculpted by Dave Cortes. On the right side of the box, the display window continues so that you can get a decent view of the figure on the side. This is another benefit to our friends that choose not to open the figure.
Outside of the Box: Let's open the box and take a closer look at the figure
Taking Grail outside the box, you can see she is mostly done up in dark blue and gold for her outfit while her skin tone is done in the same type of grey that is used for Darkseid.
Accessories: Let's see what kind of accessories the figure comes with.
Grail comes with her normal weapon, the scythe. She also comes with two extra pairs of hands, two grip hands for holding the scythe, and two others that are more open. Finally, she comes with a shaw, we see her wear this the first time she faces the Justice League in the New 52.
Articulation: How can we pose the figure? Let's find out!
Hinged Ball Jointed Head - allows you to swivel the head 360 degrees and tilt the head back and forth. Ball Hinged Shoulders - gives the arm 360-degree rotation and also the ability to raise and lower the arm. Upper Bicep Swivel - lets you move the entire arm 360 degrees. Double Jointed Elbows - this allows you to bend the arm back to have the hands near the shoulders. Swivel Hinge Wrists - allows you to turn his wrists in a full 360-degree circle while also bending them up and down. Ab Crunch - this cut lets you be able to bend the figure front and back at the Abs. Waist Swivel - this lets you be able to turn the figure around 360 degrees at the waist. Ball Jointed Legs - This allows the legs to move out to the side along with some front and back motion. Upper Thigh Swivel - the leg can rotate around a full 360 degrees. Double Jointed Knees - joint allows you to bend the leg itself all the way back to the butt of the figure. Hinged Ankles with Rockers - The ankle hinge allows you to bend the foot front and back. The rockers allow you to rock the ankles towards the outside and inside of the legs of the figure.
Size Comparison: How does the size of this figure compare to others?
Here is Grail standing next to the DC Multiverse Justice League Batman. Next, we have her standing next to her Father, and box mate, Darkseid.
Rating: What are Baby Huey's scores for the figure?
Paint Job 4/5 The paint on Grail is done very well. every little spot that should or could have paint has some. Figure Sculpt 4/5 DC Collectibles did a very good job on her sculpt. She fits right in next to your DC Multiverse or DC Collectibles figures. Posing / Durability 4/5 The only knock on Grail is her feet. They are just a tad too small for her body, it can be a little bit of a pain to get her to stand in some poses. If they made the feet just a little bit bigger she would be perfect. Overall Score 4/5 Grail is almost a perfect figure. They just missed the mark with the feet. I picked up my Darkseid/Grail pack at BigBadToyStore.com. Retail Cost: $99.99
Time for some Toying Around!