Welcome to That! Comic Podcast - the best weekly show covering the comic book world based out of Philadelphia, PA. Think of us like your multiversal tour guides through the panels and pages that have inspired so much of pop culture. We cover everything comic-related - from MARVEL to DC, Indies, theories, and more. Join us every week for in-depth interviews with industry experts / comic book legends, recaps of the most significant events, movies, shows, and of course, comic books - All with a little Philly flair.
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That! Comic Podcast is the best weekly Philadelphia-based podcast covering the world of Comic Books. As the comic industry grows with the evolution of Marvel's MCU and its impact on popular culture, That! Comic Podcast will help you make sense of it. Let us be your multiversal tour guides. Join our hosts every week for in-depth interviews with industry experts and comic book legends, or recap the prior week's most significant comic-related current events, movies, shows, and of course, comic books.